The Song of The Seed

Below is a rendition of The Song of The Seed by Macrina Wiederkehr

the song of the seed is a poem by Macrina Wiederkehr

Life unfolds
A petal at a time,

The beauty of the process is crippled when I try to hurry growth.
Life has its inner rhythm which must be respected.
It cannot be rushed or hurried.

Like daylight stepping out of darkness,
like morning creeping out of night,
life unfolds slowly a petal at a time

God’s call unfolds
A Word at a time,

A disciple is not made in a hurry.
Slowly I become like the One to whom I am listening.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
like you and I
becoming followers of Jesus,
discipled into a new way of living
deeply and slowly.

Be patient with life’s unfolding petals.
If you hurry the bud, it withers.

Each unfolding is a teaching
a movement of grace filled with silent pauses, breathtaking beauty, tears and heartaches.

Life unfolds
a petal at a time
deeply and slowly

By Macrina Wiederkehr

If you enjoyed this poem, “The Song of the Seed” by Macrina Wiederkehr, I highly recommend learning more about her and her work here:

Distractions are Plenty

distractions are plenty, so how do we get quiet time with God?

It is written, “But cling to the Lord, your God, as you have done to this day.” (Joshua 23:8) Do you ever feel like life is too full of distractions to have quality time with God?

My precious child, quiet moments with me allow me to speak to your heart. You can hear the tender words of My voice. Though distractions are plenty, so is My hand. 

When you feel pulled in too many directions, cling to me. Don’t let your mind deceive you into thinking you have no time for me. Time doesn’t exist with me. 

Though you are bound within the confines of time and space, I am unlimited. Unlimited in how I can work in your life, in this world, and through you. But you must listen to My voice. 

So how can you hear from me daily? Quiet yourself without distractions. Come to My Word and meditate on it. It is your armor and your shield in this fallen and broken world. But fear not, I have overcome this world. 

To grow deeper in your relationship with God, I highly recommend reading His Word. If you have any questions about the Bible, is a great resource!

I am a Christian

I am a Christian. A poem by Maya Angelou on Christianity.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I’m not shouting, “I’m clean living.”
I’m whispering, “I was lost,
Now I’m found and forgiven.”

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I don’t speak of this with pride.
I’m confessing that I stumble
And need Christ to be my guide.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I’m not trying to be strong.
I’m professing that I’m weak
And need His strength to carry on.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I’m not bragging of success.
I’m admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I’m not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I’m worth it.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say…”I am a Christian.”
I’m not holier than thou.
I’m just a simple sinner
Who received God’s grace somehow.

One of my favorite poems by one of my favorite writers, Maya Angelou. To learn more about the life and work of Maya Angelou, visit this website:

Paul was Chosen

Paul was chosen. Want to be disciple of Christ? We can learn a lot from his chosen ones, like Paul.

Paul was chosen, yet he was opposed. Be prepared to stand in the face of withering opposition. Remain bold, even when you’re mocked.

Paul was chosen, yet God took nearly two decades to prepare him. Don’t waste your white space. These in between times are often when God is doing His best work in preparing you.

Paul was chosen, yet he suffered. Suffering is one of God’s greatest tools that He uses to train us. Suffering breeds the very thing that ends it; compassion.

Stand amazed at God’s love for you in His darkest hour. And then believe in His love for you in your darkest hours.

To learn more about the life of Paul, I highly recommend you read the Bible. If you have any questions about the Bible, is a great resource!


God says that when we live by the Holy Spirit, we will live in peace and safety. We can live unafraid.

It is written, “All who listen to me shall live in peace and safety, unafraid.” (Proverbs 1:33)

My beloved, you’re learning how to listen to me. Isn’t it lovely? That you and I can go through life hand in hand in this way. So intimately connected to one another.

When you hear My voice, you need not be afraid. My Holy Spirit, your Helper, will guide your steps. My Word, alive and powerful, takes root within you and helps you grow to new heights.

Your desire for peace can be satiated with a commitment to listening to me. We walk through life together, so that my Will may be done.

I love you and I’m so proud of you. You can live unafraid. I am doing a new thing!

For more on fearless living, check out this earlier post from my blog: and don’t forget to sign up for emails, so you never miss a post!

I highly recommend reading the Bible to learn more about God’s promises. And if you have any questions, is a great resource!

The First and Greatest Commandment

The first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, with all of our soul, and with all of our mind.

It is written, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38)

My beloved, I love you. Do you know why I say this is the first and greatest commandment? For your own good, of course.

See, when the success of your day is measured by how well you’ve loved Me, you are far less prone to feelings of failure. The rest of your day is automatically improved, when your primary goal is to love me. What does that look like?

Stay in close communion with me. I want to be a part of your day. Right down to the details. Seek me with all of your heart, and you will find me.

This world will show you all the ways you’ve failed and not measured up. You didn’t get around to this, you forgot about that…

But when you’ve loved me with your whole heart and soul and mind, you can rest assured that your day was a success, no matter what your circumstances. When you keep your eyes focused on me, and walk in the light of My presence, your paths will be made straight. Your heart and soul and mind can breathe a sigh of relief.

To learn more about God’s commandments and His promises, I highly recommend you read His Word. If you have any questions about the Bible, is a great resource!

Want more? Check out this post on the joy God calls us to: And sign up for emails so you never miss a post!

If God loves us then why do we suffer?

Women suffering with head in her hands. If God love us, why do we suffer?

It is written, “The Spirit of the Lord… has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” (Isaiah 61:1) Why does God allow us to suffer, if He loves us?

You want to know why this has happened to you. You want to make sense of your suffering. As though this world operates from a helm of justice. But alas! You live in a fallen world. And true justice will not be restored until I come back. 

Suffering is a part of your life on Earth. Even my own Son, Jesus Christ, suffered. Do you remember what Jesus called out on the cross? “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” There that question is again. Why. 

Indeed, you are not alone in your suffering. You often aren’t even the cause of your suffering. Your suffering is the result of the fall of mankind. And I can assure you that it breaks My heart just as much as it does yours. 

So pick up the pieces of your heart, dear one. And bring them to me. Then watch and wait in My healing presence as I mend your broken heart and turn your suffering into glory. 

I am near to the broken-hearted. And I am near to you now. 

To learn more about God’s promises, I highly recommend you read His Word. And if you have any questions, is a great resource!

God Chose Me – Charles Spurgeon

a portrait of Charles spurgeon who wrote the inspired thoughts. I have no question that God chose me.

I have no question that God chose me. How can I be so sure? Because I believe in Him and Jesus Christ as my Savior. I could not have come to this belief by my own free will. It can only be explained by the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace at work within me.

I am quite certain that He chose me because if God had not chosen me, I should never have chosen Him. And it must be true in my case that He chose me before I was born, because He certainly would never have chosen me afterwards.

And I know that He elected me for reasons unbeknownst to me, because I could never find any reason in myself why He should look upon me with such unconditional love.

(Writing inspired by the words of Charles Spurgeon)

To read more about Charles Spurgeon and his work, I highly recommend you check out this website:

A Mind Controlled by the Spirit

The bible tells us that the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace

It is written, “The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6) 

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you think My thoughts. Your mind is powerful. You know to beware of your thoughts. When your thoughts begin to overwhelm and control you, your mind leads you towards death. 

Call out to me! And I will answer you. I will help you to think like me, with gratitude and grace. So that your mind can be dominated by My thoughts, which are higher than yours. 

When your mind is controlled by My thoughts, you experience life and peace. This is what I offer you. 

Remember, while your adversary tempts you, I test you. Your faith is strengthened in trials of any kind. I love you. 

To read more about this bible verse, check out my related post on a mind controlled by the Spirit:

A great resource for questions about the Bible and what God tells us is:

Total and Complete Healing

Experience God's total and complete healing.

Are you ready for total and complete healing? This sort of healing can only come from the power of the Holy Spirit.

It is written, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8) 

My precious one, keep your eyes on me. The Author and Finisher of your faith. Have I not proven that I am trustworthy? 

Surely, I could take away your circumstances in an instant, but I have not yet. Praise me in trials of any kind, for I am at work within you. Like a potter molds his clay, so do I use your circumstances to mold you. 

So rejoice in all that I am doing! Though you are perplexed, you are not in despair. For you know me. Now go, and tell the others what I’ve done for you. Total and complete healing. 

I highly recommend to learn more about the Bible and all of God’s promises.